Category Archives: California

Yisroel Pensack: A Timely Tax Alternative Surfaces Amid U.S. Fiscal Stalemate

The New York Times is running a feature today on Henry George, the 19th-century political economist, [who] spent his seminal years in San Francisco. He is no longer a household name, and his “land-value taxation” theory is probably among the … Continue reading

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Casey Anthony In Southern California

On the one hand, she’s cute and young. On the other hand, she murdered her baby. I wonder what her dating life will be like? What kind of men will want to get with her? Casey Anthony – watch … Continue reading

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My Heart Is Broken That Prisoners No Longer Get Drama Class

I say, more workin’ and less learnin’ for prisoners! I had no idea that taxpayers were on the hook for funding art classes for California prisoners. The New York Times reports: Two years ago, arts in corrections programs were a … Continue reading

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Reasons For The Texan Economic Boom

How is the real estate market different in Texas than in California? Well, much of California’s land, particularly by the coast, is off-limits to development. With less land available to develop, land prices in California have skyrocketed over the past … Continue reading

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Yisroel Pensack: Arizona Assassin Should Have Been in Psychiatric Treatment

In an article headlined “Jared Loughner: Focus on delusions, not politics,” San Francisco Chronicle reporters Carolyn Jones and Casey Newton zero in on the real issue underlying the Arizona congressional assassination attempt and mass-murder tragedy — an insane legal system … Continue reading

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