Category Archives: Asians

The New Separate But Equal

James Chen writes: Rising test scores and higher academic standards in public schools are usually a cause for celebration among parents of school—age children. But in the liberal suburbs of the San Francisco Bay Area, this development is triggering panic … Continue reading

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Asians, Free Speech & Common Sense

Comments to Steve Sailer: * “Mari Matsuda, the first female of Asian descent to become tenured law professor in the US. It is she who has called for hate speech laws to only apply to speech against “historically marginalized populations.” … Continue reading

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White-Asian Couples Decreasing

Comment: White-Asian intermarriage in The U.S is vastly decreasing. Leftists plans for more racial miscegenation through mass immigration and open borders has backfired. It has actually resulted in less racial miscegenation. The more Asians are imported into The U.S, the … Continue reading

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Jeremy Lin – Too Asian To Foul?

Steve Sailer writes: Would the reaction from the media be as sympathetic if white fans made up a similar tape of a white basketball player being fouled hard and implied that anti-white racism played a role? There’s a curious pattern … Continue reading

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LAT: Why this cop’s conviction brought thousands of Asian Americans into New York’s streets

Short answer: Because the Chinese know they have group interests. It’s a shame American whites don’t have the same clarity. A multi-racial society is always ripe for a race war. Los Angeles Times: On a Saturday in February, Chivy Ngo, … Continue reading

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