Category Archives: Asians

Asian Success

Comments at Steve Sailer: * It’s true Asians do better at math and science and drone-occupations. But blacks succeed a lot more in other areas, indeed those areas deemed cool. Sports, music, sex, booty-call, yapping, comedy, and etc. So, in … Continue reading

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WP: ‘The Asian American ‘advantage’ that is actually an illusion’

Washington Post: For decades, the data on median household incomes have shown the same, persistent racial disparities: Asians beating out whites at the top, while Hispanics and blacks hover near the bottom. Asian Americans seem to offer proof that minorities … Continue reading

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Working The System

I was talking to a friend the other day and he mentioned this scam he thought would totally take care of his problem. On the one hand, I admired his take-charge attitude. On the other hand, I understood why the … Continue reading

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‘Is that guy walking in the dark behind me a rapist? Never mind, he’s Asian’: Lena Dunham faces a backlash on Twitter after ‘racist’ tweet from five years ago resurfaces

Daily Mail: Lena Dunham faced a backlash on Twitter after a ‘racist’ tweet she posted five years ago resurfaced this week. The 30-year-old Girls star was blasted on Friday by Twitter users for the tweet that has been branded as … Continue reading

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Asians Gaming The SAT

Comments at Steve Sailer: * I completely share your concern except at the high end, I believe it’s already fallen apart. At this point, a competitive test system would have to be completely reworked not only to prevent cheating, but … Continue reading

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