Category Archives: Ann Coulter

Trump Was Right About Stopping Islam

Ann Coulter writes: Immigration is the new “No Nukes/Save the Whales” movement, only with more body bags. After the mass murder committed by Muslims in San Bernardino, which came on the heels of the mass murder committed by Muslims in … Continue reading

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Ann Coulter: Ted Cruz, Fox News ‘Traitors,’ Formed ‘Unified Oligarchy’ Against Trump

From Breitbart: Ann Coulter called Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Fox News “traitors” for blaming Donald Trump for dangerous protesters shutting down a Friday-night rally in Chicago, blistering Trump’s primary rival on Twitter. Fox News & Cruz are American traitors, … Continue reading

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‘Aunt Semite Ann has progressed from reading Sailer to Daily Stormer’

"Diversity" = nonwhite; "White supremacist" = Not anti-white. — Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) February 20, 2016 Comments: * Is there anything incorrect about her equations? Does “diversity” ever mean a mix of Polish-Americans, Italian-Americans, Scottish -Americans, and mixtures thereof? Or, … Continue reading

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Coulter: Fox News Is ‘Indistinguishable From George Soros’ On Immigration; ‘Implacably Pro-Open Borders, Anti-Trump’

From Breitbart: Conservative columnist and eleven-time New York Times best-selling author Ann Coulter is blasting Fox News. “When it comes to immigration, Fox News is indistinguishable from George Soros,” the popular columnist wrote Thursday. The “Rupert Murdoch enterprise,” Coulter writes, … Continue reading

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Adios America: The Left’s Plan To Turn America Into A Third-World Hellhole

Ann Coulter writes in her new book: THE ISSUE THAT WON’T GO AWAY: SHOULD DEMOCRATS BE GIVEN 30 MILLION NEW VOTERS? The media convince people to believe lies by the simple process of repetition: Diversity is a strength! We’re a … Continue reading

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