Category Archives: Ann Coulter

Barring apology, right-wing Zionists demand Fox News fire Ann Coulter for ‘f—ing Jews’ tweet

From the Jerusalem Post: The backlash was instantaneous. Followers accused Coulter of being “anti-Semitic,” and “desperate for attention,” calling her statement “f—ing offensive.” Several followers mentioned they believed her account had been hacked while others suggested she was drunk after … Continue reading

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Rabbi Shmuley Boteach Calls Ann Coulter Names

Who is making coherent arguments in this fight and who is just hurling insults? From Twitter: * RabbiShmuley: .@AnnCoulter vile, disgusting, foul, diseased, and wretched comment about Jews is so stomach-turning as to make each of us on Twitter vomit … Continue reading

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Ann Coulter’s Critics Don’t Bother Making An Argument

They just call her names. Welcome to the Ashkenazi debating style. Attack the person, hurl insults, and don’t bother with coherence. There are only two honorable debating techniques — to challenge facts and logic. Ann Coulter’s critics don’t bother to … Continue reading

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Rabbis Hurl Slurs At Ann Coulter

Notice how the rabbis don’t bother making an argument. They just call her names. Ann Coulter is a Palm Beach resident, having bought a home in the community in 2005. From the Sun Sentinel Jewish Journal: The next day (Thursday, … Continue reading

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The Jewish Drive To Marginalize Ann Coulter

Lee Smith, senior editor at the neo-con Weekly Standard writes: Ann Coulter’s ‘F—ing Jews’ Comment and The Degradation of American Political Discourse Ann Coulter went off the rails Wednesday night during the Republican presidential primary debate. Apparently angry that several … Continue reading

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