Category Archives: Politics

Politics & The Clergy

America’s religious leaders are even more politically divided than the rest of us — The New York Times (@nytimes) June 12, 2017 More than any other group of clergy, rabbis choose to live in white neighborhoods. Orthodox rabbis are … Continue reading

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Who Rules Whom?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * “Who? Whom?” is a great concept, but a lousy phrase. It’s meaning isn’t obvious enough, it’s a little hard to say, and it sounds too much like an owl talking. Was it translated from a … Continue reading

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NYT: Marco Rubio Pushed for Immigration Reform With Conservative Media

Jason Horowitz writes for the New York Times Feb. 27, 2016: A few weeks after Senator Marco Rubio joined a bipartisan push for an immigration overhaul in 2013, he arrived alongside Senator Chuck Schumer at the executive dining room of … Continue reading

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Where’s Columba Bush?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Again, why isn’t Jeb! having Columba front and center on the campaign trail with him, by his side and making a few speeches before women’s groups? That is a fair question especially since this is … Continue reading

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Poland Previews America?

Steve Sailer writes: Following the Paris atrocities, the new populist conservative government announced it wouldn’t be admitting any Muslim refugees. In the foreign press, the recent ascendance of majoritarian conservatives over corporate conservatives is being heralded as the End of … Continue reading

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