Category Archives: Politics

How Would God Vote?

Joseph Farrah writes: In this presidential election year, many Americans are wondering how to vote – or even if they should vote. Into this quandary enters a new book by David Klinghoffer of the Discovery Institute with the audacious title … Continue reading

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Will the Democrats cave on telecom immunity?

Sometimes I’ll feel like I’ve been unfair to political scientist Raphael J. Sonenshein and I’ll try reading him again, only to discover why I loathe the man’s thinking. In this article, he blasts the Democrats for caving in to the … Continue reading

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Emma Opposes Irish Ratification Of The New European Union Treaty

DUBLIN, Ireland (AP) — Ireland’s citizens voted Thursday on whether to accept or reject the European Union’s new reform treaty, a painstakingly negotiated pact that would be damaged or destroyed by an Irish ”No.” The Lisbon Treaty seeks to reshape … Continue reading

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Michelle Obama Goes Off On Whitey?

Here’s a debunking of this rumor. Larry Johnson writes: I learned over the weekend why the Republicans who have seen the tape of Michelle Obama ranting about “whitey” describe it as “STUNNING.” I have not seen it but I have … Continue reading

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Is Scott McClellan A Judas?

Dennis Prager says Scott McClellan’s new memoir about his years working as a press secretary for President Bush raises a character issue. "That is very rare for me [to criticize the man rather than the act]. Prager: "I have sympathy … Continue reading

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