Category Archives: Politics

‘Munich’ Should Not Be A Dirty Word

Britain was not prepared for war in 1938. Neville Chamberlain had no illusions about Hitler. He did the right thing in Munich. From the Washington Post: Some other words of Churchill’s are too rarely quoted. They are from one of … Continue reading

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613 Store Offering McCain/Palin Kipot

Joe emails: "Interesting anecdote – the 613 Mitzvah Store has a nice stack of McCain-Palin kippahs – none for Obama-Biden. If the issue is one of biography, McCain wins. No one with a brain and who goes to a church … Continue reading

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Saving America’s Real Estate Market

From the Irish Times: The sweeping plan, which marks the biggest US government intervention in the financial system since the Great Depression, will bring the total cost of its market initiatives in the past fortnight close to $1 trillion. US … Continue reading

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Race & Politics

Dennis Prager says on his radio show: Who are these racists who won’t vote for Obama? Republicans wouldn’t vote Obama, or any Democrat, so the racists must be Democrats. What do the ten American cities with the highest poverty rates … Continue reading

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George Bush: A Profile In Courage

Here’s an editorial from the WSJ: Now that even Barack Obama has acknowledged that President Bush’s surge in Iraq has "succeeded beyond our wildest dreams," maybe it’s time the Democratic nominee gives some thought to how that success actually came … Continue reading

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