Category Archives: Politics

Call Me Senator

From Jerry Zucker: Call Me Senator from RightChange on Vimeo.

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New York Election Gaffe Will Likely Nullify Significant Number of Israeli Expatriate Votes

A major error at the New York Board of Elections has resulted in the failure to ship ballots for the November 2010 Congressional and Gubernatorial election to New York City expatriate voters – including most resident in Israel . “[Expatriate … Continue reading

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Overwhelmingly White

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager says: Glenn Beck deserves congratulations on pulling off what he did. It was a remarkable and loving and warm event for hundreds of thousands of people. What’s most interesting is the coverage by … Continue reading

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I Just Signed Up On Frumster

At Friday night dinner, I admitted to the host I had never been married. “And you’ve tried frumster?” he asked. “No, I haven’t,” I admitted. But now this is no longer true! I’m signed up on frumster. I have just … Continue reading

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Jan Perry Interview

Jan Perry represents the ninth district on the Los Angeles City Council. She plans to run for mayor in 2013. We talk by phone Friday morning. Here’s a transcript of the parts of the interview I find most interesting: Luke: … Continue reading

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