Category Archives: Politics

If Herman Cain Falls, Only Newt Gingrich Remains

I was looking up the the other day, and I saw poll results from the Republican presidential race blazened across the top of the site. Herman Cain and Mitt Romney led the way but Newt Gingrich was a solid … Continue reading

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The Smart Move

Joe emails: Pundits all around are shocked that Obama is supporting that movement of shleppers and misfits known as Occupy Wall Street. They wonder why Obama would lurch left when he needs the middle to win the election. Actually, Obama … Continue reading

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How Long Will Herman Cain Live?

In 2008, we elected a president with no executive experience and no foreign policy experience. Are you happy with the results? Herman Cain has no political experience. And he’s likely to die within ten years. According to Wikipedia: “In 2006, … Continue reading

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Why Is Class Hatred OK?

From Dennis Prager: “Prager H1: Why is hatred of class different than hatred of race? Dennis asks why the left will so denounce hatred based on race, but then preach hatred based on class. Callers respond.” Joseph Stalin murdered about … Continue reading

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Rick Perry Looks And Sounds Like A Defeated Man

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “During the debate last night, Rick Perry looked and sounded like a defeated man. It’s hard to imagine the American people electing him president. At this time, it looks like Herman Cain … Continue reading

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