Category Archives: Politics

Dennis Prager Returns From A Week Lecturing In Australia

Dennis arrived from the airport this morning (after his fifth trip to Australia) ten minutes before his show was due to begin. That’s the time he normally arrives as he lives ten minutes away. Occasionally he gets caught in traffic … Continue reading

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Rick Santorum Wants Your Sex Life To Be Special And He’s Right

The natural state of the male is to toss his life away pursuing easy gratification with no commitment. Only by stigmatizing all sexual expression outside of heterosexual marriage will most men commit to one woman and stay around to raise … Continue reading

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I Would Never Play Tackle Football Or Box

I think I played tackle football twice in my life, sometime around seventh grade. I hate being hurt. I hate getting tackled. I hate pain. I hate the risk of injury. Yet I love watching football. I love to see … Continue reading

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NYT: Even Critics of Safety Net Increasingly Depend on It

The New York Times considers this matter wondrous. How can people who want to reduce government welfare spending take government welfare? I see no contradiction. I might wish that my wife not make a particular dish every week, but if … Continue reading

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The United States Is Becoming Like Greece

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said: “The movement of the United States towards being Greece. Having the American media (outside of Fox News, the WSJ, talk radio) behind you, the carpet bombing of left-wing rhetoric on society is … Continue reading

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