Category Archives: Politics

91 Persecutions Over Political Correctness

From Handle’s Haus: It is a list of prominent (mostly) leftist/progressive intimidation incidents, or profiles in preemptive cowardice in anticipation thereof, or firings because of ludicrous and exaggerated PC claims of ‘offensiveness’ (usually concerning mere jokes) that I wish had … Continue reading

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Mary Cheney – A Spoiled Brat

In light of the Facebook war Mary Cheney has launched on her sister, I wanted to post this from the New York Post: DICK Cheney‘s daughter, Mary, acted like a diva with the Secret Service, a new book claims. According … Continue reading

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The Crisis In Washington

A friend in Australia asked me about the financial and political crisis in Washington. I replied: I’m not sure it is a crisis in Washington. I think that’s media hype. We’ve had 17 government shutdowns (actually, 82% of federal employees … Continue reading

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Political Ideas Come From The North-East Corridor

On his show Mar. 8, 2013, Dennis Prager said: “The Republican leadership lives in as much as a hermetically sealed bubble as the Democratic leadership. This is a catastrophe for the country. We have two parties — the damaging and … Continue reading

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The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky writes: The most charitable way of explaining the election results of 2012 is that Americans voted for the status quo – for the incumbent President and for a divided Congress. They must enjoy gridlock, partisanship, incompetence, economic … Continue reading

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