Category Archives: Adultery

Why Does Adultery Get Quicker Condemnation Than Any Other Sin?

The number one news story this week has been the affair by the South Carolina governor. Why? Are we quicker to condemn adulterers than other sinners? I think we are. Why? I suspect that most people in a committed relationship, … Continue reading

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Ultra-Orthodox Find Unorthodox Ways Of Screwing Around

Truly shocking news from the New York Post: It seems everyone is cheating nowadays. Even Ultra-Orthodox Jews are flocking to a new site made for Kosher cheating: Apparently God did not make the commandment “Thou shall not commit adultery” clear … Continue reading

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The New York Times Must’ve Been Right In Its Reporting About John McCain’s Entanglement With Hot Blonde Lobbyist Vicki Iseman

That’s the only way I can interpret the following story: NEW YORK Vicki Iseman, the Washington, D.C., lobbyist who had sued The New York Times for $27 million over an article last year that she claimed wrongly depicted her as … Continue reading

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Without His Mistress Margaret, There Would’ve Been No Great Naipaul Novels After 1970

Was Naipaul’s great writing worth the sin of his passionate illicit relationship with Margaret of Argentina? Perhaps what I need to spark my writing is a good affair. Such a shame I am so moral, so corralled by the Holy … Continue reading

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Why No Reporting On The Special Relationship Between Pinch Sulzberger and Caroline Kennedy?

Gawker nails it (MSM: Keep rockin’.): Don’t even bother to leave a comment at the Times local news blog suggesting a sexy patrician affair between the Senator-to-be and the publisher of the Times. It seems like a mostly legitimate question … Continue reading

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