Category Archives: R. Rabbs

The Goy’s Teeth

I tell Rabbi Rabbs the story of the Goy’s Teeth and we fit in some discussion of Tisha B’av and Devarim.

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Santa Monica Pier Concert Series Begins Tonight

Rabbi Hershel Rabbs Remer posts on Facebook: Mixed dancing, live music during the Three Weeks, and a chance to celebrate Black people. It’s the perfect event for liberal Jews. Jeff emails: “I don’t get it, its an African band, I … Continue reading

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Ten Commandments For Liberal Jews

Click here to watch last night’s entire Torah discussion with Rabbi Rabbs. Rabbi Rabbs says: The Ten Commandments for Liberal Jews: 1. You shall take offense to Christians and loudly proclaim Christianity goes against Judaism, while you shall have no … Continue reading

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Parsha Talk With Rabbi Rabbs

Monday night, Rabbi Hershel “Rabbs” Remer and I discuss this week’s two Torah portions — Maatot and Masei. Luke: “Did you sense the holiness of the land of Israel when you were there?” Rabbs: “Yes! The kedusha (holiness) of eretz … Continue reading

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This Week’s Torah Portion Is Pinchas

I will discuss parsha Pinchas live on my cam starting at 1:15 PM PST Tuesday with Rabbi Rabbs. Rabbi Ari Kahn writes: Sometimes, biblical stories are complex or densely and intricately woven; other times, the storyline seems straightforward, morally unequivocal, … Continue reading

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