Category Archives: R. Rabbs

The Jewish Inquisition

On Torah Talk at 7pm PST Monday, Rabbi Rabbs and I will discuss controversial Orthodox rabbis on the left: Chaim Seidler-Feller, Avi Weiss, Yitz Greenberg, Joseph Telushkin and Yosef Kanefsky. For too long, the rabbis have judged me. Now I … Continue reading

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What Must A Goy Do To Be Saved?

Greg Leake emails: Hi Luke, Another adventurous excursion into the Torah with the patrician Luke Ford and the pugnacious Rabbi Rabbs. I have a growing sense of appreciation of some elements of the Jewish faith. At the same time I … Continue reading

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What Must A Goy Do To Be Saved?

This week’s Torah portion is Re’eh: Re’eh, Reeh, R’eih, or Ree (ראה — Hebrew for “see,” the first word in the parshah) is the 47th weekly Torah portion (parshah) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading and the fourth … Continue reading

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Highlights From Last Week’s Torah Talk

Conversion to Judaism etc. Tune it at 7 pm PST Mondays!

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The Misfits

Jack Taylor runs an internet noahide radio station. He posts to FB: “Rabbi Rabbs and Luke Ford, the misfits, are at it again in this weeks Torah Chat rebroadcast today on Q-77. If you are not faint of heart or … Continue reading

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