Category Archives: Health

Ever Seen A Lazy Person Become Ambitious?

Scott Adams writes: I’ve never seen a dumb person become smart, an evil person become good, or a lazy person become ambitious. I’m sure it happens to some degree, but generally speaking, it isn’t a thing… Next time someone tries … Continue reading

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There Are Probably No Cognitive Benefits to Bilingualism

Razib Khan writes: About one week ago I wrote about bilingual education, and I admitted my mild skepticism about the research about the benefits of bilingualism. A friend emailed me and wondered why I was only “mildly skeptical.” Partly I … Continue reading

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Democrats Are The Party Of The Disaffected

Comments to Steve Sailer: * “Hillary Campaigns to be America’s Third Black President” Modelling yourself after the only living two-term Democratic presidents seems wise, no? The high/low strategy of simultaneously appealing to affluent suburban whites and poor minorities wins elections, … Continue reading

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How can we stop dumb people from driving?

Psychometrician Linda Gottfredson wrote in 2004: “IQ was the best predictor of the major cause of death, motor vehicle accidents. Vehicular death rates doubled and then tripled at successively lower IQ ranges (100–115, 85–100, 80–85; O’Toole, 1990).” Perhaps no drivers … Continue reading

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Bennet Omalu: Don’t let kids play football

By Bennet Omalu We’ve known since 1964 that cigarette smoking is harmful to your health. We’ve known for more than 40 years that alcohol damages the developing brain of a child. We’ve known since the mid-1970s that asbestos causes cancer … Continue reading

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