Category Archives: Health

Why Do We Need Pharmacists?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * I used to take only an occasional aspirin but now take close to twenty pills a day. So I’m familiar with pharmacists. But I don’t understand their purpose. If you were to ask me how … Continue reading

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What Drowning Looks Like

Comments: A video of what real drowning looks like: link to a finnish newspaper. A five year old boy is drowning in a swimming pool next to numerous people and nobody notices while literally touching him. Fortunately the boy who … Continue reading

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Will Exercise Save Your Wits?

Comments at James Thompson: * Everyone should exercise, whether it be strength training or cardio. If you don’t exercise, you better start. Grip strength tests are also very important and show racial differences. Blacks have weaker grip even when they … Continue reading

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Is There A Way To Find Out Your Pilots’ Names Before Your Flight?

Just in case you don’t want to fly Allahu Air. I would not be thrilled if my pilot were named Mohammed. Frankly, I’d rather not have a woman pilot experiencing PMS. When I can’t sleep, I watch Mayday: Air Crash … Continue reading

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Why Most Pilots Should Be Men

Washington Post: Passengers reportedly fled a flight before it could take off on Saturday — after a United Airlines pilot went on a bizarre rant over the intercom. In a ball cap and casual shirt, the pilot remarked on her … Continue reading

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