Category Archives: Health

Let’s Debate Fundamental Principles

Thomas Frank, who’s left of center, writes for the Wall Street Journal: What’s dragging the Democrats down in the health-care debate isn’t confusion about details. On this the president and his supporters have proven themselves the ablest of technocrats, easily … Continue reading

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Obama’s Health Care Fiasco

DENNIS PRAGER said on his radio show today: The American healthcare system works. The president talks about how we spend the most and we have the least effective results. We don’t. We have the best healthcare in the world. If … Continue reading

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Tosser’s Tunnel Syndrome

Lyn Paul Taylor‘s granddaughter Savannah ushers me into his office this morning. I arrange my worldly belongings according to the teachings of my Feing Shui instructor and get centered, preparing for transfiguration. Lyn walks in. "I’m a wreck," I say. … Continue reading

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I Don’t Have HIV!

My blood work is back from Kaiser and here are the only disturbing results (I’ve had these problems for a couple of years now and no matter how much I pray about them, they don’t seem to go away): CHOLESTEROL … Continue reading

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Museum Terrace Apartments

Here’s some background to this story. A tenant emails: Another pipe burst last night @ 11:00pn. Alarm rang for 30 minutes throughout building. Flooded the garage again. And once again it’s a “mysterious van” that hits a pipe that’s never … Continue reading

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