Category Archives: Health

Commercial Hair Analysis – A Sign Of Quackery

I told an acupuncturist friend that I had been sick a lot lately. He recommended getting a $95 hair sample test from Analytical Research Labs. I asked for some information and got it. Then I went to Google and did … Continue reading

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Chinese Drywall

On Friday, Feb. 5, 2010, I spoke with construction guru Mike Foreman of about tainted drywall that’s causing thousands of people (mainly in Florida) serious health problems: Luke: ‘What is Chinese drywall?’ Mike: ‘It’s a gypsum-based product commonly known … Continue reading

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New York Mashgiach Says Orthodox Union Only Interested In Making Money, Not In Policing Kashrut

According to Wikipedia: "In Judaism, a Mashgiach (Hebrew: ?????, pl. ???????, mashgichim) is a person who supervises the kashrut status of a kosher establishment." Thursday evening, Robert Frank, a New York mashgiach, emailed me: "Dear Mr. Ford, I would like … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Says New Mammogram Guidelines Are A Taste Of Obamacare

Dennis Prager opened his radio show today: "This latest announcement that women should not get mammograms until they are 50 is a telling statement of what is in store for you if the House and Senate bills are paid. "Do … Continue reading

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Pork In Flu Vaccine

Fox 35 reports: FOX 35 has discovered that the H1N1, swine flu vaccine contains an ingredient that raises questions whether its use is permissible under certain religious, dietary laws. The Jewish, Muslim and Seventh-Day Adventist faiths all forbid members from … Continue reading

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