Category Archives: Football

Steve Sailer: How to Keep an NFL Team Out of Jail

Steve Sailer writes: Here’s an interesting article in the Washington Post by Kent Babb about the NFL Dallas Cowboys’ team fixer, a big black ex-cop and ex-bail bondsman who is on friendly terms with everybody who works at the courthouse … Continue reading

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How Does Jeff Fisher Have A Job As Head Coach In the NFL?

Reddit thread: * His teams have missed the playoffs 6 consecutive seasons. In 21 seasons as a head coach, he’s made the playoffs 6 times. SIX! In those 6 playoff seasons he’s 5-6. He lost the Super Bowl in his … Continue reading

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Victory against Rams doesn’t teach us much about 49ers

Why is Los Angeles Rams coach Jeff Fisher considered great? His lifetime winning percentage as a head coach in the NFL is .524. He’s a Jason Garrett. Lowell Cohn writes: I praise the 49ers for winning 28-0, but I refuse … Continue reading

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VOX: The NFL is 67% black. Diversity hasn’t helped white players and coaches understand racism.

Left-wing Jew David Leonard writes: Proximity to African Americans doesn’t guarantee understanding, empathy, or even respectful deference — even in a space like the NFL, where white athletes are outnumbered by black ones. This conversation has been a reminder that … Continue reading

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Steve Sarkisian sues USC over his firing, claiming school didn’t accommodate his disability

Is this the type of man you would want commanding your football team? Would you want your son to play for this guy? What kind of lawyers would take such a case? REPORT: Former USC coach Steve Sarkisian has filed … Continue reading

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