Category Archives: Football

The Wussification Of America

Dennis Prager came back live to the radio Thursday. He took Tuesday and Wednesday off. He’s working furiously to finish his next book — the case for American values. Dennis: “How much of my childhoood was unprogrammed. I remember visiting … Continue reading

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Should We Root For Michael Vick?

JEAN-JACQUES TAYLOR writes for the Dallas Morning News: Since the Cowboys aren’t going to play in the Super Bowl, you might as well root for Vick and the first-place Philadelphia Eagles to represent the NFC. They get an opportunity to … Continue reading

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Football and Love

While girls have come and gone from my life over the past 33 years, I’ve loved only one football team — the Dallas Cowboys. This year, the Cowboys have one victory in seven games. They are virtually eliminated from the … Continue reading

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How Come Viking Fans Mix Without Trouble In Green Bay?

I am watching the Green Bay – Minnesota football game and wondering why the visiting Viking fans can mix unmolested with the home town Green Bay fans? Is it mid-West civility? The crowd looks lily-white but I don’t think whiteness … Continue reading

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Life Lessons From Football

Rabbi Meir Goldberg writes: The importance of a tzibbur: Joshua Schwager, member of the 1986 national champion Penn State Nittany Lions and now a shomer Torah umitzvos Jew, told my students at Rutgers that the 2007 New York Giants became … Continue reading

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