Category Archives: Football

Richard Sherman Is No Rhodes Scholar

I enjoyed the performance of Richard Sherman on Sunday after the game. I enjoy his trash talking. He entertains me. I respect that he went to Stanford. I don’t think the guy is ignorant. But if you are going to … Continue reading

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Who Accused FSU Star Quarterback Jameis Winston Of Rape? Erica Kinsman

The formula for winning in college football is to have as many thugs on your team as possible. The downside of this is that you will have to put up with more rapes on campus. No charges are pending for … Continue reading

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Broken-Hearted Over A Child He Never Met?

Fox sideline reporter Pam Oliver says today before the game that Adrian Peterson was “brokenhearted” over the death of his child three weeks ago. Brokenhearted over a kid he never met? Please. He was heartbroken for being outed for fathering … Continue reading

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What’s happened to my beloved NFL?

A couple of weeks ago, the NFL had everybody (players, coaches, referees) wearing pink for breast cancer awareness. They even had pink penalty flags. White people are crazed for awareness. Why isn’t the NFL agitating for some manly man disease … Continue reading

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The Tom Brady Slouch

It looked like Tom Brady badly needed some Alexander Technique after he lost his second Super Bowl to the Giants. You can’t feel bad unless you tighten your neck. The emotions of sadness, rage, disgust, contempt are not accessible to … Continue reading

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