Category Archives: Modern Orthodox

Why Aren’t Yeshiva Bocherim (Students) Working With The Homeless And Davening With Black People?

"That’s not what yeshiva students do," says historian Dr. Marc Shapiro in his second lecture on Rav Zvi Yehuda Kook for Torah in Motion. "Rav Elazar Schach was opposed to kiruv (outreach). That was the standard charedi position. The Brisker … Continue reading

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Israel’s Chief Rabbinate Is A Bad Joke

From Dr. Marc B. Shapiro‘s first lecture on Rav Isser Yehuda Unterman for Torah in Motion: "The chief rabbinate [of Israel] in the days of Rav [Abraham Isaac] Kook and Rav [Benzion Meir Hai] Uziel and Rav Unterman was the … Continue reading

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Almost Every Gadol Of The Early 20th Century Had A Child Who Left The Path

In his third lecture on Rav Elazar Schach for Torah in Motion, historian Marc B. Shapiro says that Rav Schach’s son became a religious Zionist aka Modern Orthodox as opposed to Chareidi aka traditional Orthodox (who are not Zionists, don’t … Continue reading

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The Rabbis Plan To Raise Ethical Awareness At Work

I’ve yet to hear of the rabbis ever asking any worker if there was a need for their ethics initiative. It sounds to me like this is an entirely top-down initiative. Rabbi Daniel Korobkin writes in the Jewish Journal: Peulat … Continue reading

Posted in Daniel Korobkin, Ethics, Modern Orthodox, Orthodoxy, Pico/Robertson, Rabbis | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on The Rabbis Plan To Raise Ethical Awareness At Work

Divorce Protest In Los Angeles

Rebecca Spence writes for the Forward: Los Angeles — On the day known as Ta’anit Esther — when observant Jews fast before Purim — more than 150 members of Los Angeles’s close-knit Orthodox community gathered for a protest rally outside … Continue reading

Posted in Beth Jacob, Divorce, Modern Orthodox, Orthodoxy, R. Steven Weil, R. Yosef Kanefsky | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Divorce Protest In Los Angeles