Category Archives: Dating

Men Are Repulsed By Fat Women, Women Are Repulsed By Weak Men

An attractive young woman messages me: “Luke? Help! How strange it is sometimes to experience much more positivity and attention from others after simply losing nearly 20 pounds. I am receiving some calls from guys who were dismissive of me … Continue reading

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How To Tease An Attention Whore (i.e., all women)

From the Chateau: Here’s a fun routine I like to pull on girls if I happen to have my camera or my phone’s camera out for use. It’s a Game tactic that works on the principle that no woman can … Continue reading

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Be The Man Women Desire And Men Admire

From the Chateau: COTW winner is “anonymous”, revealing why it’s important that an alt-right leader of men also be a leader of ladies. (Trump being the most obvious exemplar.) as a mid twentys young man who could be considered a … Continue reading

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Are Male Promiscuity And Female Chastity Compatible?

From the Chateau: The top 20% of women strongly prefer to be with the top 10% of men. The top 10% of men will spread their seed among the top 30% of women (and often more widely than that), only … Continue reading

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WP: ‘Neo-masculinists’ cancel worldwide meetups over fears of feminist ‘mobs’

The Washington Post keeps getting more interesting. This article is pretty fair: According to his website, Valizadeh grew up in Maryland and attended the state’s flagship university, where he struggled with women. “I was completely incapable of talking to women … Continue reading

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