Category Archives: Dating

Inside the world of men who’ve sworn never to sleep with women again

The way the game is rigged these days, this makes sense. Luckily, in traditional societies, things are different. REPORT: The first rule of Fight Club – the 1999 film about an underground boxing club for men grappling with masculinity and … Continue reading

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Why Are So Many Single Women Tatted Up And Obese?

From the Chateau: Sexual markets are vulnerable to changes in the incentives for paternal investment. (Paternal investment itself is a crucial aspect of the sexual market.) As women become more economically self-sufficient and sexually liberated their mate acquisition algorithm begins … Continue reading

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Two Female Tests: One Conceptual Response

From the Chateau: So what is the one guiding concept to overcome female shit tests? Is it “Agree&Amplify”? No, that’s a tactic; a very powerful tactic that can substitute for Inner Game in a pinch, but still a tactic that … Continue reading

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Talking To Children Is Good Practice For Talking To Women

From the Chateau: There’s another way the behavior of children holds the key to successfully flirting with grown women. The conversation style that elicits peals of joy from children is pretty similar to the conversation style that elicits squeals of … Continue reading

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‘How Normal Are You?’

From the Chateau: The first thing you’ll notice after dropping a qualification MOAB on a woman is how eagerly she steps to the challenge. It’s as if she’d spent her whole life up until she met you trapped in a … Continue reading

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