Category Archives: Dating

Study: May-December Romance is Normal, Natural, And The Way Of The Superior Man

From the Chateau: This is a shibboleth-smashing study sure to give ugly feminists (but I repeat myself) and game-hating tradcons the hives. Attachment Styles of Women-Younger Partners in Age-Gap Relationships. “Women have evolved to seek an older mate, however, research … Continue reading

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NYP: My dad Howard Stern put me off dating men

New York Post: A couple of blocks away from the Upper West Side home of radio’s king of raunch, Howard Stern, his Torah-scholar daughter sits in her ankle-length skirt and recites a blessing. Emily Stern, 32, couldn’t have a life … Continue reading

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Have You Known A Woman Who Doesn’t Like To Be Spoiled?

Have you ever heard of a guy say, “I don’t like blowjobs?” No. Equivalent for women would be: “Have you ever heard a woman say, I don’t like it when I feel intense emotions or when other people give me … Continue reading

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One Of The Most Powerful Female Attraction Triggers

From the Chateau: ♂SCIENCE♂ clearly confirms the field observation that women are instantly and romantically curious about a man who is in the company of other women, especially if those women aren’t fat bluehair feminists. [Female preselection] solves a more … Continue reading

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