Category Archives: Personal

Another Sleepless Night

When my alarm went off at 5:35 am, I was in a dream where these dusky guys were making fun of me online and I ran into them in person and I tried desperately to connect with them and to … Continue reading

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‘I’ve Spent My Whole Life As A Child Hoping Some Family Would Come Along And Adopt Me’

I heard that sentence in a 12-step phone meeting (from a woman who sounded like she was in the second half of life) and it resonated. I’ve felt that too. I have perfect good family and yet I often yearn … Continue reading

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One Jerk Can Ruin Things For Everybody

One obnoxious noisy neighbor can ruin a block. One jerk on the roads can tie up traffic for thousands of people. One idiot in a 12-step meeting, either in person or over the phone, can ruin a meeting. One toxic … Continue reading

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I was doing a coconut oil pull this evening while watching Seinfeld (Busboy episode) when I burst out laughing… Oy.

I went out to the fridge afterward to calm down and this is what I found on top of my ripening mangoes:

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Breathing Freely & Clarity Of Purpose

Alexander teacher Carolyn Nicholls tells Robert Rickover: “The more flexible an area, the easier it is to misuse it. I’ve had a lot of pupils who’ve had a sullen ribcage, where the ribcage stays the same shape with the in-breath … Continue reading

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