Category Archives: Personal

Real Physical Ailments Vs My Girly Emo Crap

Historicity commented on my video below: “Yes, miserable. But due to physical ailments, not your girly emo crap.” Guess what, mate? Physical ailments and girly emo crap emerge out of the same thing — the unity of our being. We … Continue reading

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The Gratitude Solution

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How Do You Stay Sane While Streaming?

How do you stay sane while moderating a lively Youtube discussion? How do you balance the competing needs of your audience, your ethics, and your guests? We can’t control other people, and yet we all exert a force field. We … Continue reading

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I was inspired by this webinar by Alex Katehakis. Far West comments: “I’ve asked myself the same question while feeling lonely at parties – “does anyone here care about me?” I like your therapists response. People will naturally begin to … Continue reading

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