Category Archives: Journalism

I Wish The News Media Had Given Joe Biden As Much Scrutiny As An NFL Coach

Imagine if the New York Times and company had covered Joe Biden’s mental acuity with as much scrutiny as the media gave former Dallas Cowboys coach Tom Landry in his declining years? The Chicago Tribune published Nov. 6, 1988: The … Continue reading

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WP Op/Ed: How the media sleepwalked into Biden’s debate disaster

Megan McCardle writes July 11, 2024 in the Washington Post: [M]ainstream outlets did report on the president’s age, even if too gently. Why were we so gentle? Well, there’s a broad journalistic norm against picking on physical characteristics (which is … Continue reading

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We’re Hours Away From Joe Biden Dropping Out (7-10-24)

05:00 Biden digs in, Why do the Democrats get stuck with white senile pols? Trump was headed for a landslide prior to the debate, Megyn Kelly: George Clooney Wants Biden Out, Nancy Pelosi Wavers, and Elites are … Continue reading

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Blacks vs Jews, Elites vs Grassroots in the Joe Biden Story (7-9-24)

01:00 Jews vs blacks on whether or not Joe Biden should step down03:20 Media pretend to be shocked by Joe Biden’s cognitive decline06:00 Liberals Were Blinded To Biden’s Senility By Their Own Speech Codes, John Ellis says Joe Biden … Continue reading

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Why do Democrats Lack the Courage Of Their Convictions About Biden’s Decline? (7-8-24)

01:00 Biden WEEK FROM HELL: Dems Plot REVOLT, Democrats care more about their jobs than telling the truth, Joe Biden’s losing the media 34:20 Is Biden’s team deceiving the American public about his competence, A Biden – … Continue reading

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