Category Archives: Japan

Can You Name Any Japanese Celebrities?

I can name a bunch of black ones — Barack Obama, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Denzel Washington, Will Smith, Oprah, Michael Irvin, Deon Sanders, etc, but I can’t name any Japanese superstars. The NYT wrote last week: “In Japan, a … Continue reading

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Japan – The Land Without Muslims

The Jewish Press reports: This country keeps a very low profile on all levels regarding the Muslim matter: On the diplomatic level, senior political figures from Islamic countries almost never visit Japan, and Japanese leaders rarely visit Muslim countries. The … Continue reading

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USA Versus Japan In Women’s World Cup Soccer

I’ve never been this excited about a woman’s team sport. Well, perhaps I was in high school, when I covered the girls basketball team for the Auburn Journal and people at school the next day said that my stories made … Continue reading

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Unbroken By Laura Hillebrand

I’m finishing up this new book about a WWII prisoner of the Japanese and it reminds me that Japan was every bit the moral equal of the Nazis. Unlike Germany, however, Japan has not come to grips with its savagery. … Continue reading

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Disaster Averted In Japan

From Monday, March 21, 2011 Radio Show 20110321 -1 Disaster Averted Prager H1: The worse fears about the nuclear power plant disaster in Japan appear to have been averted… What’s the mission in Libya? Does anybody know? Who’s in … Continue reading

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