Category Archives: Hollywood

An Empire Of Their Own

I’m watching this documentary made on Neal Gabler’s book about Jews in Hollywood and I’m asking — what if every one else acted like me and my group? Neal Gabler says the American dream was born in Eastern Europe. That’s … Continue reading

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My Favorite Bar Mitzvah

Hollywood Jew Writes: My favorite Bar Mitzvah was held at a racetrack. It was conservative/reform, of course. The father, a senior banker with Goldman Sacks, replicated the chariot scene of Ben Hur, with the following change. Instead of racing horses, … Continue reading

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Jewish Hollywood Lacks Diversity

From the Los Angeles Times: Darnell Hunt… heads the Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies and co-writes an annual report on Hollywood diversity. “Hollywood was created by a largely Jewish-dominated group who fled New York because of anti-Semitism. … Continue reading

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The Oscars! Oy Vey!

Jews understand that 99.9% Muslims are not terrorists but Jews often say that non-terrorists Muslims should do more to condemn Muslim terrorists. Jews understand that a few Muslims behaving badly, by doing things like 9/11, cast a negative light on … Continue reading

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Death Comes to Pemberley

Steve Sailer writes: The TV miniseries adaptation of Death Comes to Pemberley isn’t bad. They should have had more scenes of Elizabeth Bennett sparring wittily with the grande dame, but it’s a pretty good Tory worldview TV, in the manner … Continue reading

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