Category Archives: Hollywood

How Do You Make Money From Making Movies?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * This falls nicely into iSteve’s classification scheme for things that are easy to predict but boring, vs things that are hard to predict but exciting. The hard-to-predict things are usually the outcome of a contest … Continue reading

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Jews & Media

I’ve been talking to my Jewish friends about whether or not it is fair to say that “Jews control the media.” My Orthodox Jewish friends say it is essentially true but we should not say that out loud in mixed … Continue reading

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Do Jews Control The Media?

What do you think of the phrase, “Jews control the media”? Here’s one Jew who says we should stop denying it and just embrace it and accept the responsibility that comes with great power. By Manny Friedman July 12, 2012 … Continue reading

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The Hyper-Sexualization of Western Culture

When you read the Bible, you see the Hebrews creating a generally stricter sexual morality than that which reigned at the time. Still, the Hebrews frequently sinned in the sexual arena and the Bible is unsparing in pointing out their … Continue reading

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Hollywoodism Vs Judaism

There’s a disturbing documentary on the Jewish role in Hollywood called “Hollywoodism.” It concludes with a rant by Douglas Rushkoff, author of Nothing Sacred: The Truth About Judaism: “The thing that makes Judaism dangerous to everybody, to every race, to … Continue reading

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