Category Archives: Hollywood

Anti-Gentilism Or Pro-Globalism?

From the Chateau: Does anti-Gentilism or pro-Globalism primarily motivate diaspora Jewish Leftism? Submitted for your consideration, two insightful comments, the first arguing for the former explanation and the second for the latter explanation. Arguing the anti-Gentilism case, reader Name Redacted … Continue reading

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Chris Rock’s Oscar Monologue

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Did anyone just see the Chris Rock Oscar monologue? Holy crap, I was not expecting that all! It had some of the most “HBD-influenced” commentary I have ever seen in a mainstream media event. I … Continue reading

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Was The TV Show ‘Friends’ Sexist?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Apparently, Friends‘s worst sin is the fact that Chandler was hyper-upset and paranoid whenever people accused him of being gay. Apparently, being upset for being confused as gay isn’t allowed, since, according to the left, … Continue reading

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Comments to Steve Sailer: * I think any White ethnicity or social class that’s been repeatedly slandered by Hollywood should delight in seeing them have to take their own medicine. White Southerners, Germans, Englishmen, WASPs, Russians, European aristocrats, European peasants, … Continue reading

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NYT: Coaching Stars to Avoid a ‘Racist Against Whites’ Moment

New York Times: Concerns peaked after Charlotte Rampling, the British best actress nominee from “45 Years,” told a French radio station last month that talk of a boycott was “racist against whites.” Her publicity team, aghast, quickly went to work, … Continue reading

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