Category Archives: Kashrut

Rubashkin Acquitted in Iowa Child Labor Trial

The Des Moines Register reports: Waterloo, Ia. – Former Agriprocessors Inc. executive Sholom Rubashkin was found not guilty Monday of all 67 misdemeanor child labor charges against him… State prosecutors alleged Rubashkin allowed minors to labor up to 90 hours … Continue reading

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Yisroel Pensack: Some Thoughts on the Sentencing Hearing of Sholom Rubashkin

A sentencing hearing in the financial fraud case of former Agriprocessors kosher slaughterhouse manager and Lubavitcher chassid Sholom Rubashkin is scheduled to begin tomorrow (Wednesday) in federal court in Iowa. There is a concept in Judaism that each Shabbat “blesses,” … Continue reading

Posted in Agriprocessors, Chabad, Ethics, Fraud, Judaism, Kashrut, Torah, Truth, Yisroel Pensack | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Yisroel Pensack: Some Thoughts on the Sentencing Hearing of Sholom Rubashkin

An Update On Mashgiach Robert Frank

Here’s The Jewish Week story that came out Wednesday. I call Robert Thursday afternoon. Robert: “That lunatic that emailed you, Joel, he was probably my boss using my pen name because that’s the way my boss used to talk to … Continue reading

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The Jewish Week Covers Whistleblower Robert Frank

Joel emails me: LukeFord, In recents weeks I have been following a line of posts that you have on your website regarding a disgruntled employee of Montefiore hospital, Mr. Robert Frank. It appears to me that till now no evidence … Continue reading

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Kosher Cop Canned

The New York Post reports: The cockroaches in one of Montefiore Medical Center’s cafeterias were definitely not kosher. But the Bronx hospital denies the charges of a food supervisor who has raised holy hell about the creepy crawlers, plus alleged … Continue reading

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