Category Archives: Hillary Clinton

‘Try not to think about Huma’s hands caressing Hillary’s body as her lips and tongue move gently down…’

Ewoks writes on "I almost wish at Hillary’s inauguration ceremony, Hillary would push Bill aside and give this aide a really hot passionate kiss while giving us all the bird with her finger just to freak out the haters … Continue reading

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Political Porn

David Remnick writes in The New Yorker July 4, 2005: On the strength of name recognition and a solid freshman term in the Senate, Hillary Clinton appears to lead all other potential candidates for the Presidential nomination of the Democratic … Continue reading

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Hillary Watch

From Wondertrash: This isn’t the first time that the Hillary lesbian angle has come up. It’s made the rounds of gossip message boards. (That particular message board also claims that George and Laura Bush are separated, because W has starting … Continue reading

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Hillary & Huma – A Dark Unseen Scandal Star?

Mickey Kaus writes: Do you sense there is some large mass of dark matter, an unseen Scandal Star, the gravitational pull of which is warping the coverage of what seems, on the surface, a pretty dull presidential race? I do. … Continue reading

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Hillary’s Cleavage

Charlotte Allen writes in the Los Angeles Times: Here’s what I think about the so-called Hillary Clinton cleavage controversy: She looked fabulous. Unfortunately, thanks to the vigilance and stridency of Clinton’s legions of feminist supporters in the media, who rose … Continue reading

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