Category Archives: Hillary Clinton

How Competent Is Hillary Clinton?

Comments: * This is criminal insanity. America’s (and Europe’s) foreign policy should consist of three words: leave well alone. Intervention in the Muslim world has been a disaster. Of course, saying it was a disaster implies that the consequences weren’t … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Hillary Bores Non-black Democrats Something Fierce

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Hillary’s been the “heir apparent” ever since Al Gore’s loss, Obama’s win notwithstanding. She’s been a political fixture in this country for a quarter century and is now a daft old woman with the charisma … Continue reading

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Who Is Chelsea Clinton’s Father?

Comments: * Photo of Chelsea Clinton up on Drudge’s front page right now (and all day) doesn’t REALLY resemble Webster Hubbell I’ll be damned. * I suspect Hubbell probably is her biological father, but via in vitro fertilization. If one … Continue reading

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Thanks Hillary!

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Hillary Clinton Runs To The Right Of Donald Trump On Israel

From Mondoweiss: If there was any doubt that Hillary Clinton is running to the right of Donald Trump on Israel, she removed it this morning with a fist-pumping hard-right speech to the Israel lobby group AIPAC that mentioned Israeli settlements … Continue reading

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