Category Archives: Hillary Clinton

Google: We’re Not Rigging ‘Crooked Hillary’ Searches

Breitbart: The all-powerful Internet search engine company Google says that it is not rigging its system to reduce the visibility of the term “Crooked Hillary.” Danny Sullivan of Search Engine Land discovered that there is no Automatic Recommendation in the … Continue reading

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Scott Adams Endorses Hillary Clinton

Scott Adams blogs: I’ve decided to come off the sidelines and endorse a candidate for President of the United States. I’ll start by reminding readers that my politics don’t align with any of the candidates. My interest in the race … Continue reading

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What the documentary ‘Weiner’ tells us about Huma Abedin

Washington Post: Especially striking are the ways in which Abedin’s own marriage follows the patterns of her boss’s, raising many of the same questions. Was it love or ambition that made her stay with a self-destructive politician who betrayed her … Continue reading

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Hillary’s Gender Gap

Steve Sailer writes: The concept of an electoral gender gap was introduced into public discourse by feminists shortly after the 1980 election. They pointed out that Reagan had done less well among women than among men. I pointed out in … Continue reading

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Bill’s Lost His Mojo

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