Category Archives: Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton’s Lesbian Twist For Election

National Enquirer Sept. 2, 2016: After 40 years in a sham marriage, Hillary Clinton could be on the verge of confessing: “I am a lesbian!” It’s a shocking scenario that has often been secretly considered by her top campaign strategists. … Continue reading

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Hillary: Putin Conspiring to Aid Trump, Won’t Deny Conspiracy Theories About Her Health Are Sexist, Exits Coughing

Comments at Steve Sailer: * If Trump somehow pulls through, the cover of the NY Post on the day after the election should have a picture of stunned Hillary with the caption “Schlonged!!!!!” * It’s really kind of astonishing (in … Continue reading

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On Hillary Clinton as a Model for Young Girls

Dennis Prager writes: Given that the former secretary of state used her office to enrich herself and her husband; given that she so willfully compromised national security by setting up her own private email server in order to avoid congressional … Continue reading

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‘The races are not equal’: meet the alt-right leader in Clinton’s campaign ad

The Guardian: Jared Taylor was prominently featured in a Hillary Clinton campaign ad released ahead of her speech denouncing the “alt-right” in Reno on Thursday and “appreciates” the Democratic presidential nominee for “calling attention to the message I have for … Continue reading

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