Category Archives: Iran

Most Of The World Has Low Social Capital

Link: * Steve Sailer quotes Iranians Firoozeh Dumas and Dayi Hamid on the Persian concept of ‘zerangi’: … When we first came to America in 1972, my father was amazed at the way Americans waited in line at Disneyland. No … Continue reading

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NYT: Netanyahu Makes Quick Pivot From Loss on Iran Deal

Maybe his dramatic opposition to the deal was a deal-making ploy? Many Jewish organizations such as AIPAC have fundraised for millions by opposing the deal. JERUSALEM — In the week since it became clear that Congress would not block … Continue reading

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Free Beacon: New York Times Launches Congress ‘Jew Tracker’

I take it for granted that being Jewish is likely to predispose a politician to certain positions (generally siding with the coalition of the fringe against the core). Also, having Jewish constituents and Jewish funding will undoubtedly influence politicians. For … Continue reading

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There’s No Powerful Jewish Lobby

Ken Kurson, editor of the New York Observer, posts on FB: “I’m breaking some news here. I just don’t get this guy [Cory Booker] at all. I had such high hopes for him. I stand dazed and brokenhearted. And as … Continue reading

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Debbie Wasserman Schultz Cries About Israel, Backs Iran Deal

REPORT: The head of the Democratic Party, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., choked up while discussing her “gut wrenching” decision to vote in favor of the Iran nuclear deal. “There’s nothing that’s more important to me, as a Jew, than … Continue reading

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