Category Archives: Iran

William S. Lind: Obama Is Right About Iran

William S. Lind writes: Real conservatives hate war. War is the most expensive activity the state can engage in. Its outcome is always uncertain. Only revolution is a more powerful agent of social and cultural change, change conservatives exist to … Continue reading

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Jewish Support For The Iran Deal

Pini Herman writes on FB: You may not see most of these people at the LA Jewish Federation….Could it be that they know its not the “big tent” it claims to be. The LA Federation machers even sidestepped it’s own … Continue reading

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NYT: Reporting From Iran, Jewish Paper Sees No Plot to Destroy Israel

Larry Cohler-Esses is the best reporter on Jewish life and the Forward does much of its best journalism. The New York Times reports: The first journalist from an American Jewish pro-Israel publication to be given an Iranian visa since 1979 … Continue reading

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Iran Vs Israel

How much of the kvetching about this potential American deal with Iran is just bargaining for advantage? I don’t know much about the Middle East and nuclear arms control, but all the heated rhetoric reminds me of the frightening talents … Continue reading

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Iran vs Israel

David Hazony posts on FB: Pop quiz: Which of the following is most likely to be true: (a) The Iranian regime is increasing its hateful rhetoric because, in the event of a historic reconciliation with the West, they want to … Continue reading

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