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Category Archives: France
Will we have a military coup in France?
The military can be good at governing otherwise ungovernable situations. Democracy cannot keep the French safe. Democracy is not working. France has had military coups before. Twitter: * Probably not the most effective ad today at the Nice airport. * … Continue reading
They Died For Diversity
From Twitter: * The French have it precisely right: Strict gun control + tons o’ Islamic refugees = zero terrorism! * I loathe Trump’s putative pick for VP. He’s just another standard Republican conservative who sees the New Testament as … Continue reading
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60 Plus Killed In Islam-Inspired Terror Attack In Nice, France
Bull! Tell the truth. The people have a right to know. #Nice #BastilleDay pic.twitter.com/6bZ9rgHfN4 — Mike Cernovich (@Cernovich) July 14, 2016 #PrayForNice pic.twitter.com/DAnxbPGHu2 — Ricky Vaughn (@Ricky_Vaughn99) July 14, 2016 #BREAKING Video of the truck running people down in #Nice … Continue reading
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‘Why not spend your holiday in peaceful #Paris with a croissant on a local café! #France is new and #enriched now!’
Why not spend your holiday in peaceful #Paris with a croissant on a local café!#France is new and #enriched now! pic.twitter.com/C3Hav3h2WM — Viva Europa (@realVivaEuropa) May 25, 2016 John Rivers tweets: * Best thing about Affirmative Action is you qualify … Continue reading
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Film about ‘Jews being everywhere’ ridicules French anti-Semitism
When will we get movies ridiculing anti-white and anti-gentile and anti-Christian prejudice? Cannes (France) (AFP) – Actress Charlotte Gainsbourg is to star in a provocative new comedy which parodies deep-rooted anti-Semitism in France, its director said Thursday. “The Jews” — … Continue reading
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