Category Archives: France

Vichy France

Paul Johnson writes in Modern Times: It was Vichy which first put into effect the idea of tax-funded Family Allowances, conceived in 1932 by the demographer Adolphe Landry to raise the birth-rate; and under Vichy, for the first time in … Continue reading

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The Last Leader Of Europe

Paul Johnson writes in Modern Times: If post-war history took the new nations of Africa and Asia down a series of blind alleys, often terminating in horror and savagery, Europe’s experience offered more comfort. This was unexpected. The prevailing mood … Continue reading

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The Battle Of Algiers

Everything you need to know about multiculturalism can be found in this 1966 war film, such as: * Multiculturalism is never stable for long. * Multiculturalism means an increasingly splintered society. * Extremists tend to win out in racial wars. … Continue reading

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What’s With French Anti-Semitism?

A Jewish friend says: There’s an aspect to the hostility toward Jews in France that is never mentioned. That is, the Jewish community, on the whole, sided with the French colonialist over the Arab nationalists which created a bitter divide … Continue reading

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France: Police Catch 73-Year-Old Jewish Man Spray-Painting the Word “Jew” on 20 Cars

REPORT: A sexagenarian was caught Monday (in Paris, France) trying to tag the word “Jew” on vehicles of the 16th district. The man and his wife, Jewish, had filed a handrail in July and August following a complaint about anti-Semitic … Continue reading

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