Category Archives: France

Some French Jewish Intellectuals Are Warning Against The Great Replacement

Comments to Steve Sailer: * At the risk of sounding like a broken record, it is very significant that almost all of the so-called “non-toxic” voices for “French patriotism” and against immigration are Jewish (Éric Zemmour, Alain Finkielkraut, Élisabeth Lévy … Continue reading

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Forward: French Jews Need To Stand Up for Muslims Right Now

I don’t sense any enthusiasm among normal Jews (as opposed to activists) for Muslim immigration. Robert Zaretsky writes: nce discovered recently that Marine Le Pen, leader of the extreme right-wing Front National, has a kindred spirit. Her name is Nadine … Continue reading

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Blog: Haredi Rabbi says Muslim invasion of Europe is ‘excellent news’ because “Edom” (Christianity) must be destroyed before “Messiah” can “return”

Blog: An extract from a talk by apparently Chabad-associated Rav David Touitou. Full video here. The rabbi says: “The Messiah of Israel will only come when Christ, Europe, Christianity are totally defeated. Therefore I ask you, is this good news … Continue reading

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Jewish France At The Time Of The Dreyfuss Trial

Albert S. Lindemann writes in his book Anti-Semitism before the Holocaust: One observer commented that in the French lycees (the elite high schools): “the Jewish boys topped the list. They understood all the problems, handed in the best compositions, and … Continue reading

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France Vs Germany

REPORT: “France is taking in as many refugees as we are in the district of Allgäu,” Horst Seehofer, the Christian Social Union (CSU) state premier of Bavaria, told the daily Passauer Neuen Presse. “That is selfish. When things get tough, … Continue reading

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