Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Does This Ad Give You Bad Thoughts?

When I look at this image, I think about Torah, but apparently not every guy is as righteous as I am. Telz Angel writes: It has been said that Frum Satire drives people off the derech. How wrong this is … Continue reading

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Big News In The Valley

I hear: Just wanted to give you a lead about a story for your blog…. Emek Hebrew Academy is getting rid of its two principals (Judaic and Secular) after this year. They are claiming that Wachsman is retiring, but the … Continue reading

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The Difference Between Modern Orthodox & Chareidi


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Things That Make Orthodox Jews Go Pshhh!

Heshy Fried writes: Pshhh, is one of those things that frummies say when they are proud, honored or honoring someone – I guess the goyishe equivalent would be “hell yeh” or “you da man” and there are many instances when … Continue reading

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Trembling Before God

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