Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Willing Sinners Vs Unwilling Sinners

From the second lecture on the Rabbi Abraham Samuel Sofer (Ketav Sofer) for Torah in Motionby Orthodox rabbi and history professor Marc B. Shapiro: The Ketav Sofer was more moderate than his father, the Hatam Sofer. “Do you have to … Continue reading

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When Mechitzas Weren’t Kosher

From the second lecture on the Rabbi Abraham Samuel Sofer (Ketav Sofer) for Torah in Motionby Orthodox rabbi and history professor Marc B. Shapiro: “In those days (19th Century), you didn’t have mechitzas in Hungary. You had women up in … Continue reading

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Is The Shulchan Aruch The Jewish Constitution?

One frequently given definition of an Orthodox Jew is one who abides by the 15th Century code of Jewish law — the Shulchan Aruch. In his third lecture on Rabbi Abraham Samuel Sofer (Ketav Sofer) for Torah in Motion, Orthodox … Continue reading

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What’s The Difference Between A Torah Scholar And A Gadol?

In a lecture on rabbinic biographies for Torah in Motion, Orthodox rabbi and history professor Marc B. Shapiro says: “In the haredi world [ultra-Orthodoxy], [Rav J.B. Soloveitchik] is recognized as a Torah scholar but not as a gadol [great rabbi]. … Continue reading

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The Apprenticeship Of Luke Ford

I was listening to Dennis Prager’s radio show today. He’d just returned from his fifth trip to Australia, my homeland. Dennis said that Australia was over-regulated and rather reserved. An American woman phones in. “Australians are reserved. Timid. When I … Continue reading

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