Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Orthodox Jews As A Model For Community Building

In a speech on how to create a white society, Jared Taylor, a goy, says: “There is a lesson to be learned from what the Orthodox Jews have done. There are three cities in New York State that are Orthodox … Continue reading

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‘Strong religious beliefs may drive self-perception of addiction to online pornography’

From Case Western: People who consider themselves very religious and view Internet porn even once may perceive they are addicted, according to a new Case Western Reserve University’s psychology study. “This is one of the first studies to examine the … Continue reading

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The Path Of The Righteous

From historian Marc B. Shapiro’s new blog post: “Maimonides famously spoke of the sense of touch as being a “disgrace to us.” The Gaon actually had the same opinion in that he regarded sex as something to be loathed and … Continue reading

Posted in Marc B. Shapiro, Orthodoxy, R. Chofetz Chaim, Rabbis, Vilna Gaon | Comments Off on The Path Of The Righteous

Is Call of the Shofar Compatible With Judaism?

Shmuel Pollen, a resident of Morristown who participated in and even led “Call of the Shofar” workshops, reveals what shook him out of the “influence.” So why the radical change of heart? It occurred this past Shabbos, when I was … Continue reading

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Finding Your Place In Orthodox Judaism

D. emails: “I didn’t grow up religious, but I’m in love with the Orthodox lifestyle. I interpret the Torah more metaphorically than literally, but I want to participate regardless. Matters are complicated by my girlfriend being Chinese and agnostic. I … Continue reading

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