Category Archives: Orthodoxy

The Prostitute In Medieval Jewish History

Dan Rabinowitz writes: Finally, we turn to R. Yechezkel Landau, author of Shu”t Noda B’Yehuda, and although he is not discussing prostitution in general, but it is worthwhile to mention a specific case of Havah Bernstein, wife of the Chief … Continue reading

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Can Comedy Be Kosher?

I just read a provocative article on Orthodox Jews in comedy in Tablet Magazine. According to the author’s self-description: “Josh Lambert (@joshnlambert), a Tablet Magazine contributing editor and comedy columnist, is the academic director of the Yiddish Book Center, Visiting … Continue reading

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Professor Marc Shapiro – Have the Rabbis Always Been Honest With Their Readers?

To what extent have modern rabbis rewritten the Jewish past eliminating what does not fit in with their contemporary religious self-interpretations and world view? This wide-ranging and original review of how this policy is applied in practice adds a new … Continue reading

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Is There Much To Learn From People Who’ve Left Orthodox Judaism?

Most Orthodox Jews were born into this way of life. Converts and pentitents (baalei teshuva) get media attention but are not terribly significant in Orthodox Jewish numbers. As a convert to Orthodox Judaism, I have no problem understanding the main … Continue reading

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Changing The Immutable: How Orthodox Judaism Rewrites Its History

This book by professor Marc B. Shapiro comes out in September: A consideration of how segments of Orthodox society rewrite the past by eliminating that which does not fit in with their contemporary world-view. This wide-ranging and original review of … Continue reading

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