Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Mourning The Temple

Though you wouldn’t realize it from my writing, I think about girls a lot. As a single man, I’ve met enough to keep me interested but not enough to satisfy. What I’ve lacked in quality, I’ve made up for in … Continue reading

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Man Sues His Therapist

Daniel Bolour, who has a long history of mental problems, is furious and he’s going after a lot of people in the Pico-Robertson community (particularly at Mogen David and Aish HaTorah).

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Ohr Somayach Rabbi Banned From South Africa, Having Affairs With Many Women

FailedMessiah reports: Writing on Jewschool, David Kelsey reports on a leading Ohr Somayach rabbi, Lewis Furman tossed out of South Africa because he is a "serial philanderer." His liaisons are said to include married women. One woman’s husband, on discovering … Continue reading

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Jewish Day Schools

Jane emails: Perhaps you should re-consider the subject of Jewish Day Schools. You’d written a while back on Etz Jacob, and Aron Abecassis. My understanding now is that Aron abandoned the struggling school, walked away, and left them with a … Continue reading

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The Orthodox Paradox

Harvard law professor Noah Feldman retains some Orthodox friends and some Orthodox feelings for Orthodox Judaism but he’s deeply hurt that his former Orthodox school won’t publish notices about him in their alumni newsletter since he married a non-Jew. For … Continue reading

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