Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Taliban Jews

Joe emails: I’ve been reading your heeb report. I’ve been out of the orthodox loop for about 15 years, so it’s interesting to see what’s going on. I saw something about the bifurcation between orthodox and reform. This brought to … Continue reading

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The Scandal Of Jewish Particularity

Hillel Halkin writes in the New York Sun: Judaism is a religion with a universalist and a particularist side that do not harmonize easily with one another, and it is alone among the world’s great monotheistic religions in having such … Continue reading

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Orthodox Yeshiva Claims ‘Philosophy Of Inclusiveness’

Allan Nadler writes in the Forward: "In addition to Feldman, one is reminded of, say, journalist Andrew Sullivan’s sad mewing about the Catholic Church’s rejection of his choice to live, and advocate for, an openly gay life. Closer to home, … Continue reading

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L.A.’s Orthodox Day Schools

Over 100 Jewish kids in the San Fernando Valley go to the right-wing Toras Emes (Yeshiva Rav Isacsohn Torath Emeth) in Beverly La Brea: ….includes 1,100 students in preschool to eighth grade, 240 staff members, five different buildings in the … Continue reading

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Israel’s Great Rabbis?

Elliot Resnick writes: Israeli "gedolim" are really a curious lot. They take stands on the most peculiar issues and remain silent on issues that seem to demand an outcry. Sparking the above observation is the ban — signed by Rav … Continue reading

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