Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Adas Torah – Up And Coming Orthodox Shul On Beverly Dr

It’s largely composed of the black-hatted offspring of such Modern Orthodox shuls as Beth Jacob and Young Israel of Century City. Adas Torah is starting a kollel (where married men will study Torah full-time). Not sure how much of a … Continue reading

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The Orthodox Paradox

From The Jewish Press’s editorial in this week’s issue: In early 1992, reacting to alarming statistics on the occurrence of intermarriage (52% as compared to 9% in 1965), a splinter group of rabbis in the Rabbinical Council of America, who … Continue reading

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The Orthodox Paradox

Jonathan Rosenblum writes: …Feldman has performed one valuable service: His piece serves as a warning against the easy assumption that the best in secular learning can be readily reconciled with passionate Torah study. When equal emphasis is placed on the … Continue reading

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The Orthodox Paradox

Joey Kurtzman writes for Jewcy: At the 1998 reunion of Noah Feldman’s Maimonides yeshiva class, no one could possibly have imagined that a few group photographs–all wide Jewy smiles and shapeless sorta-Orthodox outfits–would spark a seat-ripping public debate almost a … Continue reading

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Amalek Worries About The Jews

Chaim Amalek writes: More and more frequently one encounters young yeshivish Jews in New York who speak with a weird, unplaceable accent.   When interviewed on television, they seem to be mentally slow to the point where one wonders if they … Continue reading

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