Category Archives: Orthodoxy

Some Orthodox Jews Getting Religious Marriages But Not Civil Ones

I got a call Saturday night from an Orthodox couple on the East coast. The man had been married before. He was paying a lot of alimony to his ex-wife. She remarried in an Orthodox ceremony but they skipped the … Continue reading

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Keep Onions Out Of Shul

I was sitting in shul this morning, alternately davening and reading the sacred words of Chaim Potok, when a bloke sits down to me, puts on his tallit and then, during the reading of the Torah, unfurls a copy of … Continue reading

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Anorexia And The Orthodox Seminary Girl

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach writes: Last week my eldest daughter called me from Israel, where she is studying for a year in seminary, crying and terribly distraught. A girl she was friendly with from another seminary had died of anorexia. She … Continue reading

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Liberty, Restored

Rabbi Yitzhok Adlerstein writes: Last week’s New York Times coverage of haredi economic muscle ended on a rather sour note. Both the print story and the accompanying video clip offered the story of a young man who capitalized on his … Continue reading

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Surfing Rabbi: A Kabbalistic Quest for Soul By Nachum Shifren

You don’t have to be religious (most of its contents are secular) to enjoy this book about one of Pico-Robertson’s greatest characters. Rabbi Yonasson Gershom writes on Not since "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" have two more … Continue reading

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